Angela Rose Masi is a New York based actor known for her positive energy and sense of humor. Her stage career has taken her up and down the East Coast. Some of her favorite roles include Kate Monster in Avenue Q, The Baker’s Wife in Into The Woods and Maria in The Sound of Music. As a narrator, she's navigated the perils of the post-apocalyptic American Midwest in Aaron Michael Ritchey's Armageddon Girls, saved herself from an abusive teen relationship in Christina Hoag's Girl On The Brink, and narrated the memoire of that fantastic comedienne Amy Lyle in The Amy Kimmes Binnegar Lyle Book of Failures. She spends her spare time keeping her wooly mammoths... um.... dogs... from eating her husband and three children. Masi is an aspiring bowler with far greater optimism than potential.

"For all her weirdness, she is realistic and believable"